Don’t run away, this is not a scam, it’s a real story with a happy ending It may not be the full story, but nonetheless you will enjoy it (I hope). It starts with me being a young man who loves the Lord, originally from Romania, living in London, UK.
I was (and still am) a full-time job-keeping serving one before the Lord and in my spirit (in the Body of Christ). I saw something concerning the Lord’s move being toward Western Europe, especially in England, so after graduating FTTL (Full Time Training in London) I remained in London with the saints here, working, meeting, serving, eating – drinking – and – breathing Jesus.
The church life was wonderful. I loved what I worked. Serving with the young people was challenging, fun, time-consuming, amazing, rewarding, and altogether a great experience with the Lord and in the Body.
Facebook and Pictures
You must read my article on, Is Your Being on Facebook a Waste of Time? The story in the current blog post is a bit before I came to these conclusions… I was on Facebook a LOT, posting at least one picture album with the church life per month and sharing from my top enjoyment in the Word and in the ministry…
Oh, did I mention I was single? Yes, I lived in the brothers’ house for a while, then moved on my own… but I was still single. Still enjoying the church life. Still loving the Lord. Still working really hard and loving it.
But something was missing. Or more precisely, someone was missing. I felt the need. The saints felt it too, and so did many people around me…. I prayed for a spouse. The saints prayed for a spouse. The young people prayed for a wife for me. The whole Body was just praying for me… wow…
The Picture that Surprised Everyone!
And then, just like that, on a lovely spring day in March 2012 a little less than a year ago, I posted a picture on Facebook that surprised all my friends – me with a lovely Chinese girl who just said, YES (see me with Rebecca on the left)! I have never seen so many likes on that picture in such a short time! In less than 1 week there were more than 600 likes. Oh, Lord…
But, woooow, back up a little! What happened in the meantime? Well… You can read part of our story via Stefan and Rebecca Wedding website and you can visit us in London to find out more. What I can tell you is that the Lord is sovereign, and He used even Facebook to bring Rebecca and I together.
Facebook was the start, but we continued to pray, read the Bible, sing, pray-read, read the life-study, and lots of prayer and conversations via Skype, Viber, and other electronic means. Until it became clear to both of us that God Put Us Together For One Another. And that I love her and she loves me and He prepared her for me, as He was preparing me for her.
Many things on her list of “this is what I want my husband to be like” were worked out / fulfilled in me, and secret details I asked the Lord about my future wife were absolutely fulfilled in her. The same heart for the Lord and for the saints, for the students, children, and young people. The same heart for the Lord’s move and His recovery. The same vision. And many other elements (more outward) and details we prayed for – He prepared us for one another.
It became clear to both us and to the saints around us, to our parents and the close friends, and to everyone else. And then… the announcement was made, the picture was posted on Facebook, and everyone was positively (hopefully) surprised! Now that’s a pleasant surprise to give your friends – being secretly and openly one with the Lord even in your search for your spouse!
Thank You Lord Jesus for Everything
Of course there’s much more to our story, and there’s even more being written daily as we are now married and live together in London where I am again a job-keeping full-time serving one, learning to minister to the Lord and to His house together with my wife. All I can say is,
Thank You dear Lord for everything. You know best. You know the time, the month, the season, the weather, the ring, the parents, the saints, the elders, the situation, and all the arrangement.
All I can say, looking back, is that the Lord just loves us – and He wants what’s best for us. He provides what He considers as best for us. And He continues to provide what He considers to be the best environment and situations for us to enjoy Him, gain Him, and be constituted with Him.
On our side, we just need to be open. Are we open to be the Nazarites of today, those fully separated unto Him and consecrated to Him? Amen, Lord, in all kinds of circumstances, things, environments, and situations, keep us open to You for what You intend to do in us today!
What is in Your Heart Concerning Us, Lord?
This is the question of questions. This is our best cooperation:
Lord, whatever is in Your heart concerning us, do it. We just want to say Amen. Open Your heart to us. Really open us to what You want us to do. We just wanna be one with You.
It’s so good to have a companion together with which to call on the name of the Lord, pray together, labor together, pursue the Lord together, and strive to go on together.
May He have a way. We are really nothing – we may rather hinder Him when we “try to help God with our good intentions”. But as long as we are open, God will have a way. We don’t want “what we think we need” but what He knows we need. We just want His will to be done – as in the heavens, so also on earth, and so also in our life. Lord, one with You!
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